UK Climate Engagement
The Redwheel UK Climate Engagement strategy combines an investment objective to provide an income and capital return with a climate engagement aim.
The climate aim, pursued through deep analysis, engagement, and collaboration, seeks to align companies with the goals of the Paris Agreement.
Structural undervaluation
Behavioural biases towards exclusion are reflected in valuations. Low carbon dioxide emitting companies are valued at a premium to high emitting companies – this premium has steadily grown over the past decade. This represents a compelling opportunity for investors that are prepared to remain invested in attractively-valued carbon intensive companies and push for change.
Portfolio diversification
Divestment and exclusion can increase portfolio risk by limiting a mandate’s investment universe. Active engagement may reduce this risk, by maintaining a mandate’s ability to embrace opportunity across the full spectrum of sectors.
A real world impact
By engaging for change, we can help carbon-intensive companies decarbonise and encourage them to take advantage of the opportunities that could emerge from the climate transition. As consumer preferences and regulations change, new markets will open up – carbon intensive companies are in a prime position to capture these opportunities as part of their decarbonisation drive.
What is active ownership?
Read John Teahan's take on the Anglo American bid by BHP.
Read the latest from John Teahan, exploring how human rights are central to a Just Transition in the mining of metals.
John Teahan discusses his take on the recent acquisitions made by oil majors, Exxon and Chevron, as the transition to a low carbon future accelerates.
Meet the team
John joined Redwheel in 2010 as Portfolio Manager and Partner within the Redwheel Value & Income team.

Ian joined Redwheel in August 2010 as a Partner and Fund Manager in the Value team with fellow colleague Nick Purves from Schroders.

Ian joined Redwheel in August 2010 as a Partner and Fund Manager in the UK Value team with fellow colleague Nick Purves from Schroders.

Nick joined Redwheel in August 2010 as a Partner and Fund Manager in the Value & Income team.

Larry started his career at Redwheel in 2010 supporting the Sales team and now is an Analyst in the Value & Income Team