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Convertible bonds provide a hybrid solution for investors looking for a balanced exposure to financial markets that combines the attractive elements of both equities and bonds. For more than a decade, our team has been deploying its proprietary models and systems to help identify the most attractive opportunities within the asset class. We provide a range of actively managed solutions, designed to exploit the attractive asymmetric return profile of convertible bonds with varying degrees of risk tolerance.
The Ecofin team manages a range of global equity thematic strategies with the aim of delivering strong risk-adjusted returns to clients while tackling some of the planet’s biggest environmental challenges, such as decarbonising energy supply and infrastructure.
Emerging and frontier markets represent the fastest growing economies in the world. We believe the continued growth of these markets presents compelling opportunities across a range of industries. Our index agnostic, opportunistic approach has been honed for more than two decades, and the depth of experience garnered within our team allows us to participate in attractive growth opportunities that are off the beaten track for most investors.
We invest in a small number of high-quality European companies, where we identify potentially significant opportunities to create additional value by addressing certain company-specific issues. We then act as a catalyst for change by constructively working together with the companies and other shareholders.
A highly experienced team with an established track record of delivering positive outcomes for investors. Harnessing the full power of dividends is a tried and tested method of investing, with the potential to deliver value added long-term returns and lower-than-average volatility. The team looks for the rare combination of a premium yield, sustainable dividend and attractive valuation, which only occurs when controversy appears. By working hard to understand the nature of a controversy, we aim to lean the probability of investment success in your favour.
Japan is the world’s third largest economy and its corporate landscape is undergoing dramatic change. Through our joint venture with Tokyo-based Nissay Asset Management (NAM), we invest in a small number of select Japanese companies that are not valued to their full potential due to factors we see as rectifiable. We then engage in order to act as an agent for the change required to unlock value.
Sustainability, in its broadest context, is structurally changing the investment landscape from both a risk and opportunities perspective. The Redwheel Sustainable Growth team seeks to identify structural longer-term themes and dynamics in the economy and society. The team invests capital to take advantage of the potential return opportunities these themes and dynamics offer, and to facilitate and further advance the positive impact of investee companies on critical sustainability challenges and development goals.
We are long-term value investors who believe that short-term factors prompt many market participants to overreact to news which may have little or no impact on the true value of a company. This causes share prices to diverge from the intrinsic value of the underlying business and provides an opportunity for long-term investors to purchase shares at an attractive discount. This builds in a margin of safety but also provides meaningful long-term total return potential through both dividend income and capital appreciation.
Redwheel is committed to facilitating and delivering responsible investment in practice. In line with their investment freedoms, each investment team is responsible for the integration of sustainability considerations within their respective investment processes, consistent with firm-level policies.
Redwheel’s stewardship function focuses primarily on overseeing and supporting the stewardship activities of our investment teams, co-ordinating our involvement in external stewardship initiatives, and leading in the development of the stewardship that Redwheel does as a corporate entity.
What is Sustainability Strategy, Governance & Policy? Sustainability Strategy, Governance and Policy focuses in three areas.
Greenwheel is the sustainability insights partner to Redwheel’s Sustainable, Transition and Enhanced Integration funds. Greenwheel provides tailored thematic and sector level sustainability research and advice to fund managers, commissioned by fund managers.
Daniel joined Redwheel in 2022 as an RFP Associate. In 2025, he transitioned to the Investor Services team, where he now focuses on supporting institutional sales efforts. Daniel holds a BSc in Physics from Cardiff University. In his free time, he enjoys football, golf, and cycling.
Redwheel ® and Ecofin ® are registered trademarks of RWC Partners Limited. The term “Redwheel” may include any one or more Redwheel regulated entities including RWC Asset Management LLP, which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority in the United Kingdom (“RWC”). RWC is incorporated in England and Wales with its registered office at Verde 4th Floor, 10 Bressenden Place, London, SW1E 5DH, United Kingdom and its registered number is OC332015.
No investment strategy or risk management technique can guarantee returns or eliminate risks in any market environment.The term “RWC” may include any one or more RWC branded entities including RWC Partners Limited and RWC Asset Management LLP, each of which is authorised and regulated by the UK Financial Conduct Authority and, in the case of RWC Asset Management LLP, the US Securities and Exchange Commission; RWC Asset Advisors (US) LLC, which is registered with the US Securities and Exchange Commission; and RWC Singapore (Pte) Limited, which is licensed as a Licensed Fund Management Company by the Monetary Authority of Singapore.RWC may act as investment manager or adviser, or otherwise provide services, to more than one product pursuing a similar investment strategy or focus to the product detailed in this audio. RWC seeks to minimise any conflicts of interest, and endeavours to act at all times in accordance with its legal and regulatory obligations as well as its own policies and codes of conduct.This audio is directed only at professional, institutional, wholesale or qualified investors. The services provided by RWC are available only to such persons. It is not intended for distribution to and should not be relied on by any person who would qualify as a retail or individual investor in any jurisdiction or for distribution to, or use by, any person or entity in any jurisdiction where such distribution or use would be contrary to local law or regulation.This audio has been prepared for general information purposes only and has not been delivered for registration in any jurisdiction nor has its content been reviewed or approved by any regulatory authority in any jurisdiction. The information contained herein does not constitute: (i) a binding legal agreement; (ii) legal, regulatory, tax, accounting or other advice; (iii) an offer, recommendation or solicitation to buy or sell shares in any fund, security, commodity, financial instrument or derivative linked to, or otherwise included in a portfolio managed or advised by RWC; or(iv) an offer to enter into any other transaction whatsoever (each a “Transaction”). No representations and/or warranties are made that the information contained herein is either up to date and/or accurate and is not intended to be used or relied upon by any counterparty, investor or any other third party.RWC uses information from third party vendors, such as statistical and other data, that it believes to be reliable. However, the accuracy of this data, which may be used to calculate results or otherwise compile data that finds its way over time into RWC research data stored on its systems, is not guaranteed. If such information is not accurate, some of the conclusions reached or statements made may be adversely affected. RWC bears no responsibility for your investment research and/or investment decisions and you should consult your own lawyer, accountant, tax adviser or other professional adviser before entering into any Transaction. Any opinion expressed herein, which may be subjective in nature, may not be shared by all directors, officers, employees, or representatives of RWC and may be subject to change without notice. RWC is not liable for any decisions made or actions or in actions taken by you or others based on the contents of this audio and neither RWC nor any of its directors, officers, employees, or representatives (including affiliates) accepts any liability whatsoever for any errors and/or omissions or for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential loss, damages, or expenses of any kind howsoever arising from the use of, or reliance on, any information contained herein.Information contained in this audio should not be viewed as indicative of future results. Past performance of any Transaction is not indicative of future results. The value of investments can go down as well as up. Certain assumptions and forward looking statements may have been made either for modelling purposes, to simplify the audio and/or calculation of any projections or estimates contained herein and RWC does not represent that that any such assumptions or statements will reflect actual future events or that all assumptions have been considered or stated. Forward-looking statements are inherently uncertain, and changing factors such as those affecting the markets generally, or those affecting particular industries or issuers, may cause results to differ from those discussed. Accordingly, there can be no assurance that estimated returns or projections will be realised or that actual returns or performance results will not materially differ from those estimated herein. Some of the information contained in this audio may be aggregated data of Transactions executed by RWC that has been compiled so as not to identify the underlying Transactions of any particular customer.The information transmitted is intended only for the person or entity to which it has been given and may contain confidential and/or privileged material. In accepting receipt of the information transmitted you agree that you and/or your affiliates, partners, directors, officers and employees, as applicable, will keep all information strictly confidential. Any review, retransmission, dissemination or other use of, or taking of any action in reliance upon, this information is prohibited. The information contained herein is confidential and is intended for the exclusive use of the intended recipient(s) to which this audio has been provided. Any distribution or reproduction of this audio is not authorised and is prohibited without the express written consent of RWC or any of its affiliates.Changes in rates of exchange may cause the value of such investments to fluctuate. An investor may not be able to get back the amount invested and the loss on realisation may be very high and could result in a substantial or complete loss of the investment. In addition, an investor who realises their investment in a RWC-managed fund after a short period may not realise the amount originally invested as a result of charges made on the issue and/or redemption of such investment. The value of such interests for the purposes of purchases may differ from their value for the purpose of redemptions. No representations or warranties of any kind are intended or should be inferred with respect to the economic return from, or the tax consequences of, an investment in a RWC-managed fund. Current tax levels and reliefs may change. Depending on individual circumstances, this may affect investment returns. Nothing in this document constitutes advice on the merits of buying or selling a particular investment. This audio expresses no views as to the suitability or appropriateness of the fund or any other investments described herein to the individual circumstances of any recipient.AIFMD and Distribution in the European Economic Area (“EEA”)The Alternative Fund Managers Directive (Directive 2011/61/EU)(“AIFMD”) is a regulatory regime which came into full effect in the EEA on 22 July 2014. RWC Asset Management LLP is an Alternative Investment Fund Manager (an “AIFM”) to certain funds managed by it (each an “AIF”). The AIFM is required to make available to investors certain prescribed information prior to their investment in an AIF. The majority of the prescribed information is contained in the latest Offering Document of the AIF. The remainder of the prescribed information is contained in the relevant AIF’s annual report and accounts. All of the information is provided in accordance with the AIFMD.In relation to each member state of the EEA (each a “Member State”),this document may only be distributed and shares in a RWC fund(“Shares”) may only be offered and placed to the extent that (a) the relevant RWC fund is permitted to be marketed to professional investors in accordance with the AIFMD (as implemented into the local law/regulation of the relevant Member State); or (b) this audio may otherwise be lawfully distributed and the Shares may lawfully offered or placed in that Member State (including at the initiative of the investor).Information Required for Distribution of Foreign Collective Investment Schemes to Qualified Investors in SwitzerlandThe representative and paying agent of the RWC-managed funds in Switzerland (the “Representative in Switzerland”) FIRST INDEPENDENT FUND SERVICES LTD, Klausstrasse 33, CH-8008 Zurich. Swiss Paying Agent: Helvetische Bank AG, Seefeldstrasse 215, CH-8008 Zurich. In respect of the units of the RWC-managed funds distributed in Switzerland, the place of performance and jurisdiction is at the registered office of the Representative in Switzerland.