Clean Economy

The Redwheel Clean Economy strategy will invest in a portfolio of high quality, growth-oriented companies that offer differentiated products and services that can benefit from the shift to a more sustainable future.

Growth Opportunity

Diversified access to multi decade growth opportunities arising from the transition to a clean economy.

Active Stock Selection

The strategy seeks long-term returns through identification of sustainability as a competitive advantage.

Differentiated Solution

An active, multi cap portfolio, with an autonomous investment process. 
The team are supported by Greenwheel’s deep sustainability research expertise.

Our investment themes

The team look to invest across a range of industries and geographies and have identified four key investment themes across the clean economy opportunity:

  • Low Carbon Transport 
  • Smart Energy
  • Adaptation
  • Natural Resource Reservation 

Meet the team

Amanda O'Toole

Amanda joined Redwheel in April 2023 as a Partner and Portfolio Manager.

Sebastien Bidault

Sebastien joined Redwheel in March 2023 as Co-Portfolio Manager.

Latest insights

The focus for climate change action is almost always on ‘mitigation’ – investing in the technologies and activities that can reduce emissions to reduce the amount of warming that happens. In this Greenwheel research paper, Redwheel focused on another side of the climate change action coin that gets much less attention but is crucial in its own right: adaptation.

Amanda O'Toole, Portfolio Manager of the Redwheel Biodiversity and Clean Economy Strategies, discusses the water pollution crisis and opportunities for businesses and investors.

No investment strategy or risk management technique can guarantee returns or eliminate risks in any market environment